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Yes, I ripped that off from the lesser known Filter album, Title of Record.
Warren called yesterday. Ok, two days ago, technically. It was Friday. I was home from work, doing not much of anything, and he calls up to tell me that he was on top of some mountain, watching the snow and being way to excited about rocks, with N.W.A. lyrics stuck in his head. This, for whatever the reason, made him think of me. It was actually really cool that he called. Have't talked to the bugger in a while. I really need to get out there for a visit.
Michelle and I went to DC today. She wanted to do something for her birthday, which is this Wednesday. She's been itching to go to the spy museum, so we figured we'd give that a try. In my infinite wisdom, I did not buy tickets in advance, so that was a no-go. That's not totally true...I tried to get tickets in advance, but the website wasn't exactly conducive to that, so I gave up really easily and figured we'd be able to get in no problem, since it's cold out. Little did I realize, Veteran's day was a couple days ago, so a lot of people were in town. I parked at the lot next to the old PMO (no one will understand that but Mike) and we walked over to the museum, only to find out we couldn't get in. So, we walked down to Ford's theater, read some stuff about Lincoln at the museum there, hit up some lunch, and went home. Not exactly what we planned, but we enjoyed it. No "Foakleys" were purchased, unfortunately.
The guy at the Ford's Theater museum called it a "tragedy" that Lincoln was assasinated. I guess he considers the fact that he's employed "trajic." I'm not saying it doesn't suck that Lincoln was shot, but I certainly don't go around bemoaning the fact that people get arrested in this country. That's my bread and butter, baby.
Speaking of work, I can't describe in words how pleased I am that I'm only working 6 days in the next two weeks. I'm thankful for two days off at Thanksgiving, and Tech football. A contingent of us is headed down for the VT/MD game this Thursday night. No one has tickets, but we're not concerned about that. Oh yeah...If you're reading this, Chuck (which you most assuredly are NOT) I'm rather hoping that I can crash at your place Thursday and Friday night. Also, I'm addicted to that damn square game because of you. Ass.
It's late. That's all I got.
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