Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Updating Am Hard.

I haven't updated this thinger in a few days. I'm way too lazy. Maybe I need to concentrate less on actual content and more on random thoughts/stupidity. Yee-haw.

My wonderful wife bought me a copy of Burnout 3 for the Xbox. The only stipulation was that I hang a full length mirror on the back of the door. So now I have a totally sweet Xbox game, but I can see myself in one more place than I used to be able to before. It's a mixed blessing. Seriously though...The game kicks ass.

My TiVo broke yesterday. Apparently, TiVo sent out a software update that rendered 1/3 of the DirecTivos in the US inoperable. Way to go, guys. Somebody lost their job over that, no doubt. After 45 minutes on hold (time passed by playing Burnout 3) I learned of the wondrous software "update" and a possible way of fixing it. I forced my TiVo to call home and get a patch, which seemed to work out ok until today, when it says that it can't find a signal on one of the tuners again. Stupid technology. Not having any kind of signal doesn't seem to stop it from recording hour upon hour of nothing.

In all this TiVo madness, I discovered that it's relatively simple to upgrade a TiVo these days (no Linux code modules or high level h@xX0Ring required) and that my old broken TiVo most likely has a failed hard drive. So, maybe before too long I'll have two TiVo's. Then we'll see who's in charge around here!

I spent my Saturday with Mikey, so if you've read his weekend update, you know what I was doing. Except for the part where I was risking life and limb as his brother tried desperately to destroy his car on our way to the drinking. He did not succeed, much to his chagrin. I was pleased, because I didn't have my seatbelt on. I like to live on the edge.

Then, of course, there was Friday night, and my trip to Justin's new place. It was a complete dump, as advertised, but it definitely has potential. It was a good crowd of people at the party, including (but not limited to) Butter, Kevin, Kramer, Mandy, Amanda, and Jimbwaaah. I met Justin's neighbors from C'Ville, who were very cool. I also found out that Justin still has the Caddy, and that makes me happy. And his house has a beautiful view of the "Springfield Arch," a.k.a. that big ass bridge dealie linking the inner-loop with 95 south. You can thank Tommy for that new name for what is sure to be one of the DC area's main tourist attractions, intentional or not.

Sunday was spent with neighbor-Mike playing (you guessed it) Burnout 3. And a little Halo, which I had played only once or twice before, and only with people like Joe and Jaime, who repeatedly kicked my ass all over the place. I sort of enjoyed what I played of the story mode, and may consider borrowing it for future use. Maybe I can find love for a first-person shooter that isn't Wolfenstein 3D afterall.

That's pretty much what I've spent my past few days doing, in non-chronological order. I went to work in there somewhere, but nobody cares about that. Work was filled with much mundane bullshit not even worth mentioning here. And if what I've already written is worth mentioning here, that's pretty sad.

More adventures with the Blogger spell checker: WinXP SP2 blocks it, it thinks "Mandy" should be "Moaned", and my new personal favorite: it caught "Wolfenstein" and suggested "alpenstock." Good grief.


At 9:46 PM, Blogger Mijoy said...

You know that we are in a technology age when your wife posts a comment to your blog as you're sitting 10 feet away on another computer writing your blog. *sigh*

Anyway, for the record, the new mirror on the back of our door kicks ass. If I need to buy you a video game every time I need something done around the house, then so be it!

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Mr. Nutty said...


At 8:40 PM, Blogger pasq242 said...

Is this offer open to non-spouses?


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