Believe it or not, I have opinions.
Hm. Haven't had a real update in a while. Well, it's Friday night, and I'm not doing anything, so here goes.
Seems like the past week or so has been pretty exciting in the world. That whole election thing. I can't tell you how thrilled I am that it's over with. I completely expected a drawn out legal battle to determine the president, lasting well into December like last time. Kudos to you, John Kerry, for knowing when to throw in the towel. And kudos to you, GW, for winning. I am quite content with that, unlike the people in the "blue states" and a good number of my friends.
I'm glad Bush won. I don't really feel the need to explain why...If you're really curious, ask, and maybe I'll write a political post one of these days. The thing about the election that is currently driving me crazy is all the whining. I realize it's easy to say that when my side won. But man...those democrats can be some whiny little bitches. You lost. You lost the electoral college, and you lost the popular vote. Get over it. Maybe in 2008, you can come up with a candidate who has a better message than "I'm not George W. Bush" and actually win. Hell, I'm not George W. Bush. The Dems should have just nominated me. I could have won...were I ten years older.
The "blue states" are devoting a lot of time to bashing "the system" and the "red states." I have a problem with that. First of all, you can't blame the system. The system WORKED. Last time, they all bitched about how Bush didn't win the popular vote, and how he "stole the election." I'm not going to get into any of the bullshit surrounding the 2000 election. I'm glad it turned out the way it did (seriously, can you imagine Al Gore being our president right now? Please.). But you don't have any room to complain about the system or democracy or any of that right now. Bush won both aspects of the vote (even though only the electoral college matters) so deal with it. Start working to find yourselves a direction as a party, or you'll just be bitching about the same shit in four years. Put up a fight, for Christ's sake. I also don't think they should be bashing the "red states." Saying anyone who doesn't live in a state that went for Kerry is an idiot or a religious nut or some such nonsense. The Dems seem awful quick to damn a large portion (majority, even) of the voters in this country just because they happen to not agree on every issue at hand. We're all in the same country here. Make fun of Canada...that's what they're there for.
Apparently, a good number of people in the exit polls said the most important part of the election to them was "moral issues." Now, let's bear in mind that these are the same exit polls that at several times during the night had Kerry winning the whole shebang. What I'm saying is...exit polls are bullshit. I'm actually upset I didn't get to participate in, because I didn't get to give any of the outlandish answers I'd come up with. Gay marriage seems to be a pretty major issue these days. Honestly, I'm not sure where I stand on the issue. I'd have to research it more, and frankly, since I'm not gay (believe it or not), I don't really feel the need to look into it right now. I wholeheartedly believe in the separation of church and state. I go to church, and believe some things (which I'm not going to get into here) but that's for me. Not for anybody else. There's no way my religious beliefs should be forced on anyone but me. Can gay people get married in other countries? Europe is always pretty quick to point out how backward they think America is (damn socialists), but do they let dudes marry dudes? I haven't heard word one about that on the news. I'm honestly curious. Ultimately, I think gay marriage is inevitable. It'll be as normal as hetero marriage eventually. Who knows when. Like I said, I'm still not sure how I feel. But the only reason I could see the government getting involved would be if there was some kind of monetary or tax implication. Bah...I don't know what the hell I'm talking about.
Ok, so what have we all learned here tonight? First of all, people are a lot more likely to vote FOR something than AGAINST it. Keep that in mind for '08, you commie bastards (I keed, I keed). Second, it's time to stop whining and get on with our lives. And all you blue states, be nice to those red states. You have no idea how royally fucked you'd be without them. Third, exit polls are crap. I took a lot of statistics courses in college. It's all a crapshoot. Don't believe everything that you read, you'll get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve. Fourth, gay marriage will probably happen eventually. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Just keep the government out of my church and vice versa.
So I guess I'm pretty conservative, but you probably all knew that already. I just don't like high taxes, welfare, or having the government in my bid'ness.
Anyone but Hillary '08.
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