TESTING 1, 2, 3.
I made some minor changes to my template. I want to change the whole thing, but I'm not l33t enough quite yet. Anyway, had to post to see if the changes worked or not.
I hate you.
Thank you, Blogger, for destroying yet another post. You cruel, cruel bastard.
Does anyone know if LiveJournal is any better?
You Rolling Thick Crust?
It occurred to me just now that some people might not understand the naming, etc. of my blog. I figured those of you who have the misfortune to have stumbled onto this page might be interested.
I've always found things that are completely absurd to be quite amusing. One of the most absurd things on the Interweb is Pokey the Penguin. This is a webcomic I started reading back in college. The whole comic looks like it was created in MS Paint (probably for a very good reason) and the dialog makes little, if any sense. Rather than go back and erase dialog or drawings, the "artist" simply crosses them out. It's an acquired taste, but I find this shit to be absolutely hilarious. Now that you all think I'm insane, a little more in-depth explanation of some key terms:
Chicago Style: As you can see here, Chicago Style means to do something without pants on. I think the term originated in a dream the author or possibly one of his friends had. It found its way into the strip, and I picked it up from there. Very few people understand this reference, but I've only been questioned on it once, and it was about five minutes ago. I guess people just don't pay any attention when I do things that don't make any damn sense, since it happens so often.
DON'T YOU HAVE GOOD GARBAGE?: Taken from this strip, for no apparent reason. When I created my blog, it needed a title. I figured Pokey was as good a place as any to find one. This one struck me, because I figured 98% of what's in here is mindless garbage anyway. So I might as well question its goodness.
Mr. Nutty: This is the first appearance of Mr. Nutty in a Pokey strip. He is a "regular" character, if you can call any of them that. Keep in mind Pokey has no update schedule and only one plot line I can think of: the inhabitants of the Arctic Circle don't like the Italians because they try to steal their arctic circle candy. Your guess is as good as mine. Anyway, Mr. Nutty is a sophisticated alcoholic snowman/baron of industry who cruises around the Arctic Circle in a giant flying boxing glove. His business ventures include Nutty Industries and the Mr. Nutty School of Placemat Design. Having just re-read those last two sentences, I'm beginning to think I'm a little nuts for liking this comic so much. Anyway, I like Mr. Nutty's style. So much so, that I use some variant of "Mr. Nutty" for most of my internet usernames. Most notably one of my primary IM names, which anyone reading this should already know.
Anyway, I think that's about it. I highly recommend reading some Pokey strips. Admittedly, some of them are pretty lame, but the majority are hilarious, if you ask me. If you find humor in things that are completely off the wall, totally ghetto, and don't make any sense whatsoever, you'll enjoy Pokey.
Oh, the quote in the "About Me" section over there is from the Talking Heads song, Psycho Killer.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
Once again, I've gone to the trouble of opening up the blogger thingy and starting an update. And once again, I don't feel like writing it. Here's the quick and dirty on my holidays:
- Christmas Eve-Eve we had The Foundation over for holiday shenanigans. Michelle was sick, but still managed to pull off quite a party, largely due to the help of Delvaux. Big props to both of them.
- Chrismtas Eve was at my parents' house for dinner. Just myself, Michelle, Mom, Dad and Alice. We had rost beef. Yum.
- Christmas Day was at the in-law's. Michelle was really sick, so we almost didn't make it. We did, though, and had a good time. Pretty much your standard Thanksgiving Spread for dinner.
- Day after Christmas was at my parents' house again. Mary came up with her usual entourage of children, some related to her, some not. Then I got sick. Wheee. Sickness, as it turns out, would be the theme of Holiday 2005.
- Went to the Auto Show on the 27th. I managed to NOT purchase any insanely expensive cars. It's always fun to go to the show. It's a tradition for my father and I, and this year Todd came, too. Most excellent.
- The rest of the week was pretty much spent being sick and generally feeling like shit. It really sucked, because I wanted to spend time with my nephew, but was too sick to do anything good. Oh well...Next time.
- New Year's, Michelle, her brother, and I watched Napoleon Dynamite (an excellent move, regardless of what Brian Delvaux might tell you) and sat around. Nothing very exciting. Again, we were sick.
- Went to the 'Skins/Vikings game yesterday with the real Rob Lowe. We grilled fajitas in the parking lot and were generally obnoxious to those around us. Made some friends after the game by screaming Journey songs. Some 45 year old guy came up to us and was like "we're you're future." Interesting. He couldn't believe I was only 25. I don't know if that's good or bad. Either way, old, drunk people are funny. Saw them a couple more times on the beltway. Their wives thought we were the cat's ass.
That's about it for the past week and a half or so. Oh, just as a random bit of trivia, I'm typing this update on my new, awesome Linux box. I am a l337 h@xx0r, and officially a d0rk.