Two Posts in One Night? Are you INSANE?
So maybe I am. This is more of a "so, what have you been up to, JohnBoy?" post, for those of you who care (nobody).
- Last Friday, Delvaux came by and we watched Garden State, which I really liked. I had heard that it was good, but I was a little worried going into it that it was good in a "pop culture, pretending to be indie/way too deep for its own good" good. I was pleasantly surprised. It stars, is written, and directed by the guy from Scrubs. Scrubs is a pretty funny show, I think...I don't watch it enough to make a real judgment, but the episodes I have seen have been pretty good. Zach Braff seems like a pretty funny guy. And talented, based on the movie. It also has Natalie Portman, who plays a cute, albeit completely insane, love interests for Braff. The movie has a lot of angst, mid 20's millionaires (well, one), and motorcycles with sidecars. I recommend it. The soundtrack is pretty good, also.
- Saturday night, Tommy came by, and we watched some kind of documentary. It was quite interesting. VH1 showed it without commercials, but edited (no F words or boobs). I'm not sure how I feel about the movie or the subject matter. I'm of the opinion that Metallica completely sold out when they released Load, and they haven't done anything useful since (aside from making my music collection stop abruptly in 2001). It was a little sad to see what pussies they've become, what with the therapy and all, but at the same time, those guys have kids, so they probably shouldn't be solving all their problems by getting loaded and trashing hotel rooms. Everyone grows up eventually. Lars is now, and always will be, a fag, however. That new bassist they have is hardcore, though. And, from what I hear, Metallica still brings the house down at their shows, even if they do charge 80 billion dollars to get in. Just stick to the older songs, guys. Overall, it was pretty good. Definitely interesting. If nothing else, it confirmed my suspicions that Dave Mustaine is still alive.
- Let's see how many random IMDB links I can get into one sentence.
- Sunday, I had the pleasure of going to Chuck E. Cheese's for my niece's fifth birthday. The kids all had a smashing time, of course. That place has a hell of a racket going. They just serve pizza, maintain video games, and pay some guy to dance around in a mouse suit. None of that can be too pricey. I bet they get killed on insurance, though. With the number of franchises they have, I'm sure it isn't too uncommon for a kid to fall out of the tubes that run all over the ceiling. Going there makes me glad I don't have children yet, and it makes me question the whole concept of the salad bar. I'm glad my niece had a good birthday, though. After the party, I pretended to be an electrician for a few hours at my in-laws, then I washed (and drove around for a while) their Corvette. A productive day, indeed. And I'm glad to say that I neither electrocuted myself nor burned their house down. Truly, I'm on a roll.
- I really don't remember a damn thing that happened Monday. I was pretty out of it all day long.
- My mom came over for dinner tonight. Michelle made one of her Thai dishes, which was excellent, of course.
The next few weeks promise to be slightly more exciting than the last few. There's a Ten Feet Tall show this Friday at Staccato Music Hall in Adams Morgan, which you'll be at if you're really my friend. Next weekend Delvoxyl and I (and hopefully Mikey) are going to Souf Carolina to hang out with Mr. Scrub (my nephew, not Zach Braff). May brings a trip to Seattle and the MS Ride, which heralds the triumphant return of Team Saddlesore Galactica. Feel free to send me cash...I have to come up with a few hundred bucks, or I'm not allowed to ride. More on that later, no doubt. Also, I'm supposedly going to Vegas sometime for work...I'll be amazed if that ever actually happens, though.
So there you have it...a rare glimpse into the exciting world of your gracious host, me. If you've read this far, I'm truly sorry to have bored you so much. If you actually clicked on every link in this post, I'm sure you deserve some kind of prize. Don't count on it, though. Stay tuned in the future, for sporadic updates bereft of content, just like this one. Ta.
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